Are you concerned, confused, and a little heartbroken about the state of our world right now?
Are you bewildered about how to contribute to the solution and not be tossed around by the chaos?
The answer is to BE your best self
to be Who You Are
to remember WHY you took this incarnation.
To that end, I have created several opportunities for you in the upcoming year. . .opportunities for growth and transformation!
Take a look and see what fits best for you.
COMING in 2025!
Frequencies and the Dynamics of Human Relationship
Starting in January of 2025, Connie will offer a set of radical new teachings, giving us profound understandings of how the spiritual principles function as living frequencies within our relationships with each other. Email Connie directly to express your interest, and make sure you are on the mailing list!
Dreaming Wisdom
In May and again in November/December of 2025 we will offer our Dreaming Wisdom class. The Dreaming Wisdom Class is a powerful experience! We explore the unique teachings that Connie Kaplan received from teachers in the dream about the meaning of dreams. This experience will change your relationship with what Connie calls “lunar consciousness” and they will also transform your waking life! If you are ready to radically change the way you understand dreaming, and if you are ready to work with a community of sophisticated and inspiring dreamers, be sure to sign up for this class!
The New Dream
After you’ve completed the six-week Dreaming Wisdom class, you’ll be invited to join our on-going bi-monthly dream circle which we call The New Dream — or TND. We study the messages that come to us from The Dream Weave — messages about the trajectory of the evolution of human consciousness. It’s exciting! It’s informative! It’s a way to be clear about who you are as a mystic!
The following classes will not be offered again until 2026. Sign up for the mailing list if you are interested in hearing about them when they are scheduled.
Workbook Classes
Please make sure you are on the mailing list:
Sign Up for the Workbook Classes Mailing List
Class: Living Your Sun Principle
I just want to say two things about what it is to live your Sun Principle to Deliver YOUR Gift:
The first one is that when you really learn what your gift is what you’re learning is who you are and when you understand who you are that gives you absolute permission to eliminate everything that you are NOT. That is the main treasure that this Invisible Garment information has for you. It gives you permission to eliminate who you are not. So many things that you’ve been taught by this culture about how you should behave and how you should be and how you should think of yourself are just lies that you can completely eliminate when you learn to study who you are, when you learn to embody who you are.